Get engaged with the Zionsville Comprehensive Plan process to help shape our vision for the future.

Get Engaged!

In the coming months the town will be hosting several in-person and online engagement opportunities asking Zionsville residents, businesses, and visitors to provide input and help guide land use, transportation, and economic development strategies.

Community Survey

Provide input on what you believe are Zionsville’s future strengths and opportunities!
Click the image below to get started.

Mapping Zionsville

Help us in identifying community assets, concerns, development opportunities, and more!
Click the image below to get started.

Upcoming events.

The Zionsville Comprehensive Plan will be built on public engagement and community input, with multiple in-person and online opportunities for residents and business owners to contribute. The events calendar will be updated throughout the process with upcoming engagement opportunities, with summaries of each available for review on the Engagement page.