What is a Comprehensive Plan?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why plan?

Planning is essential in order for a community to define their collective vision for the future. Planning reviews and evaluates existing conditions, describes a collective vision, and establishes clear goals and objectives for achieving that vision.

What is the purpose of a comprehensive plan?

A comprehensive plan is an official policy document, used by elected officials and town staff when making land use, infrastructure, and other community investment decisions. It also communicates the town’s vision for the future to property owners and developers that may be interested in Zionsville.

What geographic areas does the Zionsville Comprehensive Plan cover?

The comprehensive plan will apply to all of Zionsville’s incorporated limits. This includes both the urban and rural service districts. See the map on the resources page for more detail.

What topics does a comprehensive plan cover?

The comprehensive plan will cover topics such as land use, economic development, transportation and utility infrastructure, natural resources, quality of life, and housing.

What is the plan’s timeline?

The plan will look 10+ years into the future. There will be strategies within the plan that can be implemented immediately after adoption while others will be longer term. Although the plan looks 10 years into the future, it should not stay static for that long. Updates should occur periodically as conditions change, development occurs, or local preferences shift.

Who is part of the plan’s steering committee?

Amanda Artman
Becky Coffman 
Ben Worrell
Brad Johnson
Bret Brewer
Christy Wright
Craig Melton
David Rausch
Dax Norton
Doug Fleenor

Evan Norris
Faye Snodgress
Jay Miller
Jeanne Farah
Jeff Wraley
Jim Baumgardt
Jim Longest
Joe Stein
John Carnell
Josh Frost

Kendrick Davis
Kristin Shelley
Mark Walters
Matt Doublestein
Mike Hanlon
Ryan Cambridge 
Sadie Choi
Sanjay Patel
Steve Mundy
Tammy Kelly
Wes Merkle

Does a comprehensive plan have legal requirements?

Yes, it is governed by Indiana Code 36-7-4-500 series. The plan must contain a statement of objectives on future development, a statement of policy for land use development, and a statement of policy for the development of public ways, public places, public lands, public structure, and public utilities. The statute also provides a community the option of including more components in the plan to address unique local concerns. The Zionsville Comprehensive Plan will include much more than the minimum statutory requirements to ensure it provides the necessary detail and ultimately greatest benefit to the community.

Is there a difference between zoning and a comprehensive plan?

Yes, the comprehensive plan is a policy document, adopted as a resolution, that serves as a guide for development and community investment. It should be considered by the Town Council, local boards and commissions, and staff when making decisions, but it is not legally binding. The zoning ordinance is a primary mechanism to implement the recommendations of the comprehensive plan through legally binding regulations related to permitted uses, lot size and setback requirements, and other development standards such as building materials, landscaping, parking, access, and signage.

Is a comprehensive plan about managing growth?

No. Even if a community is not growing, it still needs to manage the changes that happen over time. Without a clear plan, change is managed with piecemeal decisions that are not always in the community’s long-term best interests.